Monday, March 10, 2008

Islam Is A Religion Of Peace

How in the world can Israel continue talking to the PA leadership at the very time that its people are rejoicing over the callous murdering of eight Jewish yeshiva students by a Palestinian who is rewarded and crowned by the PA's chief newspaper with the title "holy martyr?"

Official Fatah newspaper: jihadist who murdered students a "martyr".

Remember: Fatah is the moderate group, that sincerely wants peace with Israel. Fatah wants peace, this I know, for George and Condi tell me so. And remember: Islam is a religion of peace -- George and Condi told us that also, and no number of stories like this will ever convince them otherwise. Celebrate a mass murderer as a martyr? Never! What are you, some kind of Islamophobe?

Nor is this a partisan matter either, of course. Everyone, just everyone, knows Islam is a religion of peace. Except, unfortunately, the glorious mujahedin and their allies who celebrate their heroic deeds in gunning down high school students.

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