Monday, April 28, 2008

The Pharaoh Conspiracy

23 Nissan 5768, 28 April 08 08:39by מתוך הבלוג "The Tamar Yonah Show" - Tamar Yonah

( What? Not ANOTHER conspiracy! Yes, my friends, as we delve into the Passover story, we read how Pharoah felt threatened by the Jews, and decided to act treacherously with them. “He said to his people, “Behold! The people, the Children of Israel, are more numerous and stronger than we. Come, let us deal wisely with them…” Exodus 1: 9-10

You see, even in those days, a Pharaoh wasn’t able to do whatever he wanted. Political correctness existed in that time as well. Pharaoh would have had a very hard time having his soldiers commit genocide against the Jewish population who had flourished in Egypt and grew to be a strong part of Egyptian society. And let us not forget that a Jew, Joseph, was the prime minister of all of Egypt, so the Jews had it 'really made', much more so even, than Jews in America today.

"Come, let us deal wisely with them. Let us amputate the Land of Israel, divide Jerusalem, and plant a terror state in its belly, and we will call it 'peace'."
Yet there were those that hated the Jews. They were suspicious of this people who came down to Egypt and prospered so well. “Those Jews," they stated, "we open our doors to them and they become even greater than us.”

And so a new king arose over Egypt, one who did not know Joseph. -They apparently forgot about the Jew Joseph who saved the Egyptians from sarving to death during their 7 year famine. And so this new Pharaoh called a meeting, not unlike the Nazi's Wannsee Conference where they organized to plan the extermination of the Jewish People in Europe.

Pharaoh said to his ministers: “Come, let us deal wisely with them’. Pharaoh had to devise a plan where he could squash out the Jews without the press writing horrible headlines about him and his administration. Of course I write this example in jest, but there was too much of a chance that his people wouldn’t cooperate, nor would the Jews themselves cooperate. And so Pharaoh ‘dealt wisely’. He conspired to enslave the Jews -with the cooperation of all.
Our sages state that Pharaoh’s treacherous solution to the ‘Jewish problem’ was to deceive the Jews into showing their patriotism by building cities to safeguard the country’s wealth. As the Midrash teaches, Pharaoh set the example by joining the labor force to symbolize that everyone must help Egypt in its time of need. Once the Jewish volunteers were mobilized, in actuality donning their own chains - it was easy for the next step, which was to enslave them.

Next week, Pharaoh Bush will be coming to Israel. His arrival should be well prepared for, with a strong public stance stating where the red lines are and what lines he cannot cross over when he is here. But we know what the agenda is. We know that Bush is coming here not just for a 60 year birthday party of the Modern State of Israel, but in fact, he is coming in order to deal wisely with us. Behind the handshakes, photo ops and smiles, he is pushing hard for the establishment of a Palestinian terror state carved out of the belly of Israel, before the end of his term is up. He wants to wrest the Jewish people’s land, and hand it to her enemies. He calls this ‘peace’ and he deals wisely with us. Jews are being shot, shelled and bombed, and he tells us that this is the right way to end the bloodshed. He is dealing wisely with us.

Jews in Israel are holding the fort, building new communities, and keeping the land alive with Jewish life. Will our brothers who are still embeded across the sea do their small part? Will American Jewish organizations be bold enough to write a public letter to their president stating firmly their objections to the division of Israel and Jerusalem? Will Jews in America sit by idly as their president comes to Israel demanding an end to Jewish building in our Biblical homeland, the uprooting of Jewish communities and the arming and training of our enemies?

If Jews in America truly believe they enjoy more freedom than we do here in Israel, will they be brave enough to march in the streets, protest, demonstrate and otherwise send a strong message, “No dividing the Land of Israel”, “No to an Arab Palestinian Terror State.” Or, will they sit quietly in their living rooms, afraid of being accused of dual loyalty, especially after the arrest of Ben-Ami Kadish? Are the Jews in America really as free and protected as they believe, or are they also part of the Pharaoh conspiracy, thinking they are good patriotic Americans/Egyptians yet are truly salves to their own red-white-and-blue master?
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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Teaching Our Children

To build a faith in the child that is strong, we must teach him by word and deed the Bible. Children always enjoy the thrilling stories of the Bible and they can be taught to memorize some of the great passages so easily.

Parents have the responsibility to pass along their spiritual faith and understanding to their children. When G-D gave Moses the law in the wilderness, he included a section we call - the "Shemah" -, addressing specifically the family and its responsibilities. It includes a declaration of who G-d is, the commandment to love him with all of our heart and being, the command to teach these truths diligently to the children. The family is to talk of these matters frequently, post reminders of them upon the walls and wear them on their bodies, to reinforce them with continuous reminders, so that the Word of G-D remains in our hearts.

“Therefore , you are to store up these words of mine in your heart and in all your being, tie them on your hand as a sign; put them at the front of a headband around your forehead; teach them carefully to your children, talking about them when you sit at home, when you are travelling on the road, when you lie down and when you get up; and write them on the door-frames of your house and on your gates--- so that you and your children will live long on the land Adonai swore to your ancestors that he would give them for as long as there is a sky above the earth.” (Deut.11:18-19)

The children's participation in the celebration of Passover begins with preparations for the holiday. They can help to prepare the Seder plate - grating the maror (bitter herbs), burning the shank bone, roasting the egg and preparing the charoset (nut and apple mixture). Time spent together in the kitchen can help make this a special time. Parents may set the table with their children; they might share in the cooking.

Children should also be made responsible for cleaning their rooms, so they can enjoy the “Bedikat Hametz", the Search for Leaven. In the darkened house, they help search for bread and bread crumbs using flashlights or candles. When they finally find a few hidden crumbs, the father uses a feather to sweep up the crumbs, a wooden spoon to catch them, and a paper bag to hold them. The next morning, they search again to assure that there is no bread in the house. Upon accomplishing this, the feather, spoon, and paper bag are burned.

G-D, our master teacher, came up with the perfect method. He wanted to make sure that his people never forgot that first Passover night. He therefore commanded us Jews to celebrate a yearly ceremony that would appeal through the senses to each person of every generation. It is an object lesson we teach our children, through acts of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching.

Just in recent years educators discovered that children learn in different ways. One of the most popular theories deals with four modes of learning: visual, auditory, kinesthetic and tactile, based upon the use of the five senses involved with the learning process.

This is exactly what’s happening at the Passover table. The large plate in the center holds some unusual foods, foods that are symbolic of the Passover story. Children are encouraged to ask the Four Questions:

1. Why is this night different from all other nights? Because on other nights we eat matzah and bread, but on this night we eat only matzah. -- We explain our children that the matzah, unleavened cracker-like bread, is the main symbol of Passover, representing the Israelites’ departure from Egypt. They were in a hurry and did not have time for the bread to rise.

2. Why on all other nights do we eat many herbs and on this night only bitter herbs? -- We discuss the eating of Maror. This is a bitter herb, usually horseradish or Romaine lettuce symbolizing the bitterness of slavery in Egypt.

3. Why on all other nights do we dip our food only once, and twice on this night? It is our custom to dip once on other nights. -- We explain that the term Passover comes from the final plague of Egypt. God sent the Angel of Death to each house to kill the first-born child. The Children of Israel were told to smear their door posts with lamb's blood so that the Angel would "pass over" their house. - We dip a second time to remember that our ancestors dipped a leafy branch to smear lamb's blood on their doorposts.

4. Why on all other nights do we sit up to eat, but recline on this night? --Because free people reclined in ancient times, and our ancestors became free on this night.

The Passover story is told with lots of opportunities for kids to interact. The illustrations are simple and engaging - perfect for any child!

For most children the Afikoman is the highlight of the Passover Seder. In fact, its whole purpose is to keep children awake, alert and attentive throughout the ceremony as they look forward to the game at the end. The child who finds the Afikoman, the hidden piece of Matzah, is rewarded with a prize. What will probably stick with them is the game where a Matzah is hidden and a prize given to the winner.

After reciting the Kiddush over the 3rd cup, children are told we are welcoming Elijah, in case he wants to join our Seder; his cup is already waiting on the table! Perhaps he will bring some glad tidings for us, fulfilling what was read a bit earlier in the "Birkat Hamazon," the grace after meal? We have finished the meal and now the excited youngster says "It's time to open the door to Elijah. He comes to every Jewish house." The parents smile, and everyone rises as the child rushes to open the door. Of course, there's a bit of drama around this cup. When opening the door for Elijah, the children gather round to watch the quivering liquid ripple, hoping to detect some sign of its sampling by the visiting prophet.

When it is done well, the memories of childhood Passovers are what keep people connected to their heritage.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Palestinians Tried To Poison Food

Food poisoning occurs when a person ingests food contaminated with either a chemical or a natural toxin. Most foodborne illnesses are caused by a variety of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Such contamination usually arises from improper handling, preparation, or food storage.
Symptoms typically begin several hours to several days after ingestion and can include one or more of the following: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, headache, or fatigue. In most cases the body is able to permanently recover after a short period of acute discomfort and illness. However, foodborne illness can result in permanent health problems or even death, especially in babies, young children, pregnant women (and their fetuses), elderly people, sick people and others with weak immune systems.
Businesses typically want to keep their customers healthy, but this time the people who eat at the Grill Express restaurant, near the Diamond Exchange in Ramat Gan, were lucky.
On March 19, 2008, Israeli Intelligence foiled a Terrorist Poison Plot in Ramat Gan.
Two Palestinian Authority Arab workers, illegally employed at a restaurant in Ramat Gan, had, unbeknownst to their employer quietly been recruited by Hizbullah operatives and were planning to carry out a terrorist attack. The two residents of the PA-controlled Samarian city of Shechem worked at the "Grill Express" restaurant on HaYarkon Street in Ramat Gan.
Both 21-year-olds, identified as Ahmed Abu Riyal and Mustafa Salum, were arrested only days before they could execute the plot. They confessed during their interrogations to plotting to poison food at the restaurant. The plan was to use a white, odorless and tasteless poison that they were to receive from two fugitive PA terrorists, Hani Ka'abi and Hosni Tzalag.
The two said they had been recruited into the Aksa Martyrs Brigades in Nablus - which the Shin Bet said was financed by Hizbullah - after they had begun working at the restaurant. The two had asked their handlers to provide them with an odorless and tasteless poison that would take effect only four hours after it was digested. In addition to plotting the poison attack, the two were also asked by the Nablus infrastructure to find ways to help smuggle a suicide bomber into Israel. During their interrogation, the Nablus pair also confessed that the wanted militants leading the cell had examined the possibility of using them to infiltrate a suicide bomber deep into Israel.
The poison itself was to have been a white, odorless and tasteless powder with a slow-release component which would have been undetectable when slipped into the food, thus allowing for harm to the maximum number of diners, according to security officials. The poison was supposed to take effect about four hours after ingestion, during which window of time the pair planned to kill as many restaurant-goers as possible.
According to officials, the restaurant owner was aware that the two Palestinians were in the country illegally and did not have work permits. A Tel Aviv Police spokeswoman said the owner was subsequently arrested for employing Palestinians who had entered illegally, and would be charged in the near future.
Tens of thousands of Palestinians are living and working in Israel without permits, according to estimates made in recent years by the Knesset Interior Committee.
Police regularly arrest these Palestinians and send them back to the West Bank, but a demand for cheap labor continues to provide them with jobs, luring them back into Israel.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Do You Believe G-D's Promises?

Last Sunday, American evangelist John Hagee announced donations of $6 million to a number of Israeli causes and declared that Israel must remain in control of all of Jerusalem. Among the 16 causes Hagee pledged to support, were Magen David Adom and a conference center in the West Bank settlement of Ariel.

Hagee has united evangelical Christian supporters of Israel in the US under one umbrella organization which focuses solely on support for Israel and does not work to convert Jews to Christianity.

Hagee's group, Christians United for Israel, held a colorful rally at Jerusalem's convention center. The mostly American audience waved Israeli flags and cheered as Hagee joined keynote speaker Benjamin Netanyahu, the leader of Israel's hardline opposition Likud party, to insist Jerusalem remain united and under Jewish control. – “Israel has no better friends in the world than Christian Zionists”, Likud opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu said on Sunday."This is a friendship of the heart, a friendship of common roots, and a friendship of common civilization," Netanyahu told a conference of American Evangelicals in Jerusalem.In March of 2006, acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's Kadima party revealed that it would divide Jerusalem and allow a Palestinian state to be established in parts of Israel's "eternal capital." Hagee said during his speech: “Turning part or all of Jerusalem over to the Palestinians would be tantamount to turning it over to the Taliban." Rabbi Eric Yoffie confronted extremist Christian Zionists; Reform Jews should not engage in alliances with Hagee’s Christians United for Israel .

Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie is the President of the liberal Union for Reform Judaism, the congregational arm of the Reform Jewish Movement in North America. The Union represents 1.5 million Reform Jews in more than 900 synagogues across the United States and Canada.

Rabbi Yoffie has been a pioneer in interfaith relations and has launched Movement-wide dialogue programs with both Christians and Muslims. This is the reasoning of Reform Judaism Rabbi Eric Yoffie, purported leader of the largest "branch of Judaism" in the United States. Reform Judaism is liberal, anti-Zionist and historically rejectionist of the re-establishment of the State of Israel. It rejects the idea of a Messiah who will come to a rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. It has an estimated 1.1 million adherents in America.

At a convention of reform rabbis in Cincinnati this week, Yoffie lowered the boom on Hagee and urged Jews to no longer attend Hagee's series of "Nights for Israel", which have helped raise tens of millions of dollars for the Jewish state, and strengthened the connection between Jews and Evangelicals around the country. “Evangelical Christians cannot be good for Israel because they oppose the US-led process aimed at creating Palestine in the historic heartland of the Jewish people.” - Reform Judaism supports creating a Palestinian state, while Hagee sees a biblical mandate for the territory, so End Times prophecy can be fulfilled.

Rabbi Eric Yoffie said Hagee and his group, Christians United For Israel, reject any Israeli land concessions to achieve peace with the Palestinians.

"What [Christian Zionists] mean by 'support of Israel' and what we mean by 'support of Israel' are two very different things," he said according to The Jerusalem Post. "Their vision of Israel rejects a two-state solution, rejects the possibility of a democratic Israel, and supports the permanent occupation of all Arab lands now controlled by Israel.” While Yoffie describes Judea and Samaria as "Arab" territory, Christian Zionists know these to be biblically, historically and prophetically exclusively Jewish lands.

This issue is at its core about support of Israel, he explained. The speech ended on this important note: “And it is important to remember that Israel’s greatest friends and most important defenders are not the fundamentalists and extremists and those who take their orders directly from G-d, but those who work for an end to this terrible conflict, and who pray for peace for all who live in the land that we all call holy,” Rabbi Yoffie said as he finished his speech.

Oh my! How can a rabbi make such a statement? If he truly believed G-D’s word, he would know that this Land was set aside by G-d as the homeland of the Jewish People. There is no connection with any nation other than the Jewish one.

The Jewish People were chosen, by G-d, to return to our ancient homeland and become an example for all of the nations of the world by dedicating our lives to serving their Creator. It is only through the Jewish People that blessing will come to our world. They didn’t come to dispossess anyone. They are coming home to fulfill their destiny as Jews and to obey the Commandments of our G-d. Such things can never be subject to compromise.

The concept of an Arab Palestine was born with the PLO in 1964. It was a brilliant public relations ploy to change the image of an overwhelming Arab united front fighting a tiny Jewish State to appear as if a gigantic Jewish State was oppressing a tiny Arab minority. This ploy was the most successful lie to be perpetuated upon the world in its entire history.

Are we going to believe that lie, or are we going to believe G-D’s promises for Israel?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

"Fitna" = "Strive Among People"

About a week ago a friend of mine sent me a link to the English version of movie “Fitna”. I was just about to shut down my computer, but watched part of the movie thinking, I would view the end the next day when I had more time.

But the next day, when I wanted to watch the end of the movie, I couldn’t view the film because it had been banned by the British video-sharing website, LiveLeak,com, after the organization reported "serious" threats to its staff members.

Instead I was reading this announcement:
"Following threats to our staff of a very serious nature, and some ill informed reports from certain corners of the British media that could directly lead to the harm of some of our staff, has been left with no other choice but to remove Fitna from our servers. " - This is a sad day for freedom of speech on the net but we have to place the safety and well being of our staff above all else. We would like to thank the thousands of people, from all backgrounds and religions, who gave us their support.

Today however the movie “Fitna” can again be watched, because LiveLeak staff and their families upgraded their protection, and once again put this video live on their site.

Why would people have to fear for their lives just because they made a movie?
The film was produced by the Dutch politician, Geert Wilders, leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV) in the Dutch parliament. The film's title comes from the Arabic wordfitna” which is generally regarded as very difficult to translate but at the same time is considered to be an all-encompassing word referring to schism, secession, upheaval, anarchy, - describing "disagreement or strife among people".

The 15 minute movie shows texts from the Koran, as well as Moslem clerics calling for murder and violence towards all non-believers. It starts with the bomb-headed Mohammed cartoon that previously triggered riots throughout the world, and then juxtaposes Koranic verses with grisly scenes of carnage carried out by Muslims in recent years, and we hear Muslim clerics calling for murder and violence towards all non-believers.

The documentary shows how these violent verses of the Koran directly connect to global terror.

One of the quoted verses: "Therefore, when ye meet the unbelievers, smite at their necks, and when ye have caused a bloodbath among them, bind a bond firmly on them." A Muslim preacher is then seen saying calmly, "Throats must be slit and skulls must be shattered - this is the path to victory."

The film shows clerics calling to behead Jews, and Koran passages equating Jews to "apes and pigs". In one case a frenzied Imam pulls out a sword and acts out the beheadings he would like to carry out: "By Allah, we shall cut off the Jew's head! Allah is great! Allah is great! Jihad for the sake of Allah!" The audience, similarly enthused, cheers him on.

Another one of the Koranic verses quoted in the movie reads, "Those who have disbelieved our signs, we shall roast them in fire. Whenever their skins are crispy like a turkey's skin, we shall substitute new skins for them, that they may feel the punishment. Verily, Allah is sublime and wise." This is followed by scenes of civilians being dragged through the streets, a bombed-out bus in London, an Imam calling for death to all Jews, and photos of demonstrators promising "another Holocaust" and praising Adolf Hitler. The signs at these Moslem rallies read, "Be prepared for the real Holocaust," "God bless Hitler," and "Islam will dominate the world."

Imams and Muslim leaders are shown preaching, "Islam is a religion that wants to rule the world. It has done so before, and eventually will rule it again... By Allah, the day will come when we will rule the entire world again! The day will come when we will rule America! The day will come when we will rule Britain! ... You will take over the USA! You will defeat them all! You will get victory!"

The movie ends with a call for Europe to defeat Islamic ideology, just as it defeated the threats of Nazism and Communism in the past.

The film very clearly documents the violent nature of fundamental Islam. But Arab Muslim leaders condemned the documentary as a derogatory and defamatory insult to their religion. - The movie has drawn condemnation from Arab countries around the world, as well as from some other countries like Australia, Holland, the European Union and the United Nations.
Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith, for example, rejected the film's premise of equating Islam with acts of terror and violence and said it is an attempt to incite racial hatred.
In Cairo, Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit called Wilders' film "a humiliation" to Islam.

I ask myself: “How can a documentary showing authentic Koran verses and video-recorded speeches from Imams, be condemned as slander and hateful speech? Isn’t it merely reproducing what was said by these people?”

It reminds me of Steven Emerson’s film “Jihad in America”. He went undercover into the mosques in America and videotaped what was preached from their pulpits. - Today he must use a collapsible mirror to check if there are no bombs underneath his car. He has to stay away from windows, vary his routine, make occasional U-turns when driving to make sure no one is following him. He has to wear inconspicuous clothing, and change his routes and the times he leaves his home.

And all of this because of the peaceful religion of Islam? I guess the movie was named appropriately: "Fitna" brings strive among people.

Shalom - Lilo