Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Blame Game

The blame-game starts early on, - with Adam and Eve. They begin their lives in the Garden of Eden. There, G-D provides for all their needs, in return for which He imposes some commandments. One of them was not to eat from the tree of good and evil.

So now appears the Devil in form of a serpent. He talks Eve into trying the fruit from the forbidden tree. You know the story. She eats of the tree’s fruit and gives a fruit to Adam, who eats it as well.

Soon after that, G-D calls out to them and asks Adam if he ate from the forbidden fruit.

Now we encounter the age-old problem; the inability of most people to acknowledge their guilt forthrightly but, instead, to “scapegoat” someone or something else. Adam blames Eve, and Eve blames the serpent.

There is no group in the world that has been the target of as many twisted and ludicrous accusations as the Jews.

Jews were blamed for the death of Jesus. The fact that the Temple high priest was an appointee of the Romans, put there to protect Roman interests, was ignored. The crucifixion was not a Jewish, but a Roman punishment, reserved exclusively for those guilty of crimes against the empire, in accordance with Roman (not Jewish) laws. The actual reason for the execution was the fact that Jesus talked of his kingdom (against Caesar).

Tens of millions of European Christians once believed – and tens of millions of Muslims believe today – that Jews kidnap and slaughter non-Jewish children before Passover to use their blood for baking matzo.

Vast numbers of Europeans believed that Jews caused the Plague.

Much of France believed that the near-bankruptcy brought on by its failure to build the Panama Canal was caused by the Jews.

The great majority of Arabs and tens of millions of Muslims believe that the Jews (i.e., Israel) are responsible for the poverty, tyranny, absence of freedom and brutality that pervade the Arab world.

Lately, Jews have even been blamed for shark attacks in Egypt.

So, why do the nations always blame the Jews? Why do the nations hate Israel?

There is a very simple explanation to this question. The Jewish people are physical proof of the existence of G-d. The nations hate G-D. Because they hate G-D, they also hate his word, the Torah, and his people, the Jews. After all, there is nothing quite so upsetting to the post-modern ear, as to hear of a universal standard of truth or a "chosen people." It is this very fact which causes so many to hate the Jews. In this modern age of computers and cell phones we tend to forget and deny the concept of Creation. People have begun to believe that they are the creators and able to control what happens in the world. Even among the Jewish People there are those who prefer not to think about G-D. The very idea of a Jewish State - especially one located in the ancient Land of Israel - forces even atheists to take notice.

Jews remind the sinful world of G-D’s rule, and of His laws. People today hate these ideas. Thus we see that anti-Semitism, at its heart, is anti-God and anti-Torah.

However, there's only so long we can get away with putting the blame on someone else. Eventually, G-D himself will force the nations of world to face the consequences of their behavior.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Confused about Zionism?

During an interview with NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell, September 2010, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad blamed “Zionists” for fostering hostility between the United States and Iran. Muslims generally also accuse the Zionist regime of conducting terrorist activities in the US and around the world, while blaming the Muslims for it.

Too many people in this world have turned on Israel and Zionism with a vengeance.

Palestinians and their supporters have cleverly hijacked the definition of Zionism, and equated it with terrorism. Israel-bashing has become great sport, and even though words may not kill, they create increased confusion among uninformed Westerners.

So what exactly is Zionism? Who is a Zionist?
Zion (ציון‎) is a term that most often refers to Jerusalem and - by extension - the Biblical Land of Israel. The name Zion appears 154 times in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), texts dating back almost three millennia. It referred to a specific mountain near Jerusalem (Mount Zion), on which stood a Jebusite fortress of the same name that was conquered by David and was named the City of David. The term Zion came therefore to designate the area of Jerusalem where the fortress stood, and later became a metonym for Solomon's Temple. Zion was eventually used as a name for the city of Jerusalem, the land of Judah, and the people of Israel as a whole.

It is hard to tell the story of Zionism without going back to “lech lecha,” Abraham’s charge in Genesis to “go forth” to a new land, the land of Israel. Every time the Jews were forced to leave the Land, they started yearning to return to their beloved city, Jerusalem. You find some examples in the book of Psalms, which have been frequently recited and even remembered in song lyrics. That’s why the Palestinians didn’t want Boney M. to sing "By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, ye-eah, we wept, when we remembered Zion." (Psalms 137:1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nm1g8FFRArc. The aspiration of returning to their homeland was held by Jews exiled to Babylon some 2,500 years ago - a hope which subsequently became a reality.

Zionism is therefore nothing else than the yearning of the Jewish people to return to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel. The yearning to return to Zion (biblical term for both the Land of Israel and Jerusalem) has been the cornerstone of Jewish religious life since the Jewish exile from the land two thousand years ago, and is embedded in Jewish prayer, ritual, literature and culture.

The modern term “Zionism” was coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum. Modern Zionism emerged in the late 19th century in response to the violent persecution of Jews in Eastern Europe, anti-Semitism in Western Europe. It is the Jewish national movement of rebirth and renewal in the land of Israel - the historical birthplace of the Jewish people. Modern Zionism fused the ancient Jewish biblical and historical ties to the ancestral homeland with the modern concept of nationalism into a vision of establishing a modern Jewish state in the land of Israel.

The founder of the modern Zionist movement, Theodor Herzl, dreamed in his visionary 1896 book “The Jewish State,” of the Jewish state as a liberal model for the world. "We shall live at last as free men on our own soil, and in our own homes peacefully die,” Herzl wrote. “The world will be liberated by our freedom, enriched by our wealth, magnified by our greatness. And whatever we attempt there for our own benefit will redound mightily and beneficially to the good of all mankind." In this passage, Herzl articulated the essential Zionist message that still holds true, and that echoes in the liberal nationalism of most Western nation states – that only through self-determination can utopian ideals be achieved, that a community first must unite and protect itself before it can become a force for good.

The Land of Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish people. Zionism is based on the long connection between the Jewish people and its land, a link which began almost 4,000 years ago when Abraham settled in Canaan, later known as the Land of Israel. It was there that their spiritual identity was shaped. In Israel they first attained statehood, created cultural values of national and universal significance and gave to the world the eternal Book of Books.

There never was another state claiming Jerusalem as its capital. It is to the ancient homeland that Jews from all over the world still return to. Israel is not just another country. It is destined to become the fulfillment of Biblical destiny. Those with eyes to see can see that this is already beginning. The Jewish People have begun to return home from all over the world. The only peace process that will work is when Israel decides to become a nation that stands alone with her G-d.

"This country exists as the fulfillment of a promise made by G-d Himself. It would be ridiculous to ask it to account for its legitimacy."-- Golda Meir, Le Monde, 15 October 1971

Zionism is not a political movement, it’s not a terrorist organization; - it’s a move of G-D among his people!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Birthright Should Not Be Sold Or Leased

The Arab newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat reported last week that the US is negotiating the future borders of the Palestinian state with Israel. One option is reportedly that Israel would lease land in East Jerusalem from the Palestinian State for 6-9 years. - The initiative comes from Mr. Obama’s office in Washington D.C.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s office refused to confirm or deny the reports.

Why would America float the idea that Israel should lease the land from the Palestinian Arabs? - Obviously because the men and women elected to govern that nation believe that East Jerusalem really belongs to the Palestinian Arabs.

Maybe someone should take the courage to stand up and tell Obama and the rest of the world that the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem is not to give and not to sell and not to get.

Obama is of course trying to set a trap for Israel. If the Netanyahu government rejects this demand outright, the other side will charge that the Israelis are not interested in making peace. If Israel agrees to the idea of leasing that part of Jerusalem, it would be acknowledging that it didn’t own it.

Obama forgets that the gift of this Land to Abraham and his descendants was based on an unconditional covenant from G-D himself. (Gen.17:7-8) That makes the Almighty the land owner. He passed it on to Abraham and Isaac as inheritance. The Land was not given to the descendants of Ishmael, but rather to the descendants of Isaac!

This week’s Torah portion (Toldot) tells the story of Esau and Jacob, and how Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of lentil stew.

In ancient times, the birthright was a very important and sacred thing. It belonged to the firstborn. The family name and titles were passed along to the eldest son. He would also receive a chief portion of the inheritance. - Esau’s birthright represented not only the inheritance of Isaac’s wealth, but also the inheritance of the land of Israel. On top of that it also passed on spiritual leadership.

Jerusalem has always belonged to Israel. It was never the capital of another country. A Palestinian state never even existed.
Hashem tells us in (Zech.8:7): “I will save my people from lands east and west; I will bring them back, and they will live in Jerusalem. They will be my people, and I will be their G-D, with faithfulness and justice.”

A birthright simply should never be sold or leased to another party, especially not to an enemy.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

There Is Only One Legitimate Claim To Jerusalem

During my first visit to Israel I was told that Jerusalem was a holy city for three major religions, 1.Judaism, 2.Christianity and 3.Islam. Today, everybody mentions this as a fact.

But as I started to investigate the different religions, I studied the Tanach, the Christian Bible and the Koran, and discovered the following.

1. In the Jewish Bible, Jerusalem has many names: Salem (Shalem), Moriah, Jebuse (Yevuse), Jerusalem (Yerushalayim), and Zion (Tziyon). The most common term for the city, Yerushalayim, is mentioned 349 times in the Jewish Bible, while Tziyon is mentioned an additional 108 times.

The earliest mention of the site is Genesis 4:18, when Abraham interacts with Malchizedek, King of Shalem. In Genesis 22:1-19, the story of the Binding of Isaac (not Ishmael!) also takes place on "Mount Moriah" the site of the present-day Temple Mount. This area is located beneath the platform on which the Moslem Shrine, the Dome of the Rock, now stands.

When David was anointed King of Israel (c. 1000 BC), and subsequently united the tribes of Israel, he captured the city -- which he perceived as an ideal site for the capital of his new kingdom. Then, with the King and the Ark of the Covenant in residence in the city, Jerusalem was transformed into both the political capital and the religious center of Israel. King David's son and successor, Solomon, consolidated Jerusalem's eternal religious significance for all Jews by building the First Temple.

2. The Christian connection starts during 1.Century, when the Romans ruled over that area. The Christian Bible tells us that Jesus came to Jerusalem with his Jewish parents when he was twelve and visited the Temple. Of the biblical writers, Luke, reports the visit of Jesus at the age of 12. The book of John records that Jesus restored a blind man’s eyesight at the pool of Shiloah. The Shiloah pool is the end of the Shiloah channel that was dug to bring water from the Gihon spring to a reservoir inside the city walls. When you hike through Hezekiah’s tunnel, this is where you’ll end up – by the Shiloah pool. Jerusalem is therefore important to Christians; however, since Jesus was a Jew, it is still a Jewish connection.

3. What about the Islamic claim? Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Koran, not even once. So what is the story?

Sura 17 in the Koran, tells us that Mohammed flew, in a dream, on a horse, from the sacred mosque to the farthest mosque. Muslims claim it today to be the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. That would make Mohammed's alleged overnight trip covering 1,000 miles from Mecca to Jerusalem, a trip to heaven, and a return to Mecca by morning.

Mohammed died in 632 of the Common Era. At the time of his death there was no mosque built in Jerusalem! The Aksa Mosque was built 20 years after the Dome of the Rock, which was built in 691-692 by Khalif Abd El Malik. That’s about 80 years after Mohammed died.

Therefore it is crystal clear that Mohammed could never have had this mosque in mind when he compiled the Koran, since it did not exist for another three generations after his death. Rather, as many scholars long ago established, it is logical that Mohammed intended the mosque in Mecca as the "Sacred Mosque," and the mosque in Medina as the "Furthest Mosque."

So much for the Islamic claim on Jerusalem as one of their holy places. Goebbels said once that "If the lie is big enough and told often enough, it will be believed." The Islamic claim is a lie, that’s all it is.

There is only one legitimate claim to Jerusalem as their city, and that’s the Jewish claim. I think even Jesus would agree with that.

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Muslim-Nazi-Connection

In 622 AD, Muhammad left Mecca for the city of Medina, where he established a paramilitary organization that would spread his influence throughout Arabia.

According to the Hadith, the recorded sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad, the prophet explains that Jihad is a holy war in Allah's cause. What is Allah’s cause? To bring all unbelievers under the submission of Islam, because Islam is not just a religion, it is a way of life.

Islam spread far from its birthplace in the modern nation of Saudi Arabia. By AD 1095, Muslims ventured into European lands. They came through Africa into Spain and marched from Turkey all the way to the gates of Vienna. Look it up in a history book, if you are not familiar with the crusades and Europe’s struggle push the Muslims back at that time.

Has anything changed since then? No, - the same battle is still raging world-wide. Only the methods have become modernized. No longer on horseback with a wielding sword, today’s Muslim Jihad warriors use cars, airplanes and bombs!

Forward history to the 1920s, when a young Egyptian named Hassan al-Banna formed a group called the Muslim Brotherhood. Al-Banna was a devout admirer of Adolph Hitler. In the 1930s, al-Banna and the Muslim Brotherhood became a secret arm of Nazi intelligence. Islam had much in common with the Nazi doctrines. The Muslims hated Jews; they hated democracy; and they hated the Western culture. It therefore became the official policy of the Third Reich to secretly develop the Muslim Brotherhood as an army inside Egypt.

The Muslim Brotherhood began to expand its influence during World War II. They even had a Palestinian section headed by the grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who was the Muslim Brotherhood representative for Palestine. He even went to Germany and helped recruit an international SS division of Arab Nazis.

At the end of World War II, the Muslim Brotherhood was wanted for war crimes. Their German intelligence handlers were captured in Cairo. The whole net was rolled up by the British Secret Service. But guess what happened?

Instead of prosecuting the Nazis -- the Muslim Brotherhood -- the British government hired them. They brought all the fugitive Nazi war criminals of Arab and Muslim descent into Egypt, and for three years they were trained on a special mission. The British Secret Service wanted to use the fascists of the Muslim Brotherhood to strike down the infant state of Israel in 1948! Only a few people in the Mossad know this, but many of the members of the Arab Armies and terrorist groups that tried to strangle the infant State of Israel were the Arab Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood. - Britain was not alone. The French intelligence service cooperated by releasing the Grand Mufti and smuggling him to Egypt, so all of the Arab Nazis came together.

But the Egyptians became nervous. Nasser ordered the Muslim Brotherhood out of Egypt or to be imprisoned.

Now the story gets even better; during the 1950's, the CIA evacuated the Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood to Saudi Arabia. When they arrived in Saudi Arabia, some of the leading lights of the Muslim Brotherhood like Azzam, became the teachers in the Madrasas, the religious schools where they taught Islamic Nazism.

So the Muslim Brotherhood became this poison that spread throughout the Middle East and around the world.

There are many flavors and branches, but they all have the same goal in common. What’s the goal? Remember Allah’s cause? Do you want to know the names of the different groups?

Muslim Brotherhood:

  • Hamas (Militant Palestinians)
  • Fatah (Moderate Palestinians)
  • Hezbulla (Party of God)
  • Al Quaeda (Military Base)
  • Taliban (Students of Islamic Knowledge)
Hamas leader, Khaled Mashaal, said: "We are all parts of the same body... We all should fight against the mutual enemy.” That’s how Jihad is fought on a global level.

Do you see the connection now?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Iranian Monkey Show

Last week, Hezbollah’s television station, Al Manar TV, reported that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad hoped to find time during his visit to Lebanon to throw a rock at Israel. He thought that could be the ultimate photo-op for him, the president of Iran making a symbolic gesture, throwing a stone towards the Zionist entity.

Wow, what a childish thing to do! - When children behave naughtily or mischievously, we say they get up to monkey business or are 'monkeying around'.

During a live broadcast of a popular childrens’ TV show in Iran, about two years ago, one young girl surprised viewers when she told them that her father called her stuffed monkey 'Ahmadinejad'. During a telephone call that took place on the show 'Uncle Fornaj', one of the most highly-watched shows in Iran, the show's host asked a young female caller if she was good girl who obeyed her parents. "I'm a good girl and that’s why my father bought me a doll," the girl responded, explaining that the doll was stuffed monkey. "My father calls it Ahmadinejad," she said in response to the host's follow-up question.

That made me think of Santino, the rock-throwing chimpanzee, at the Furuvik Zoo in the city of Stockholm, in Sweden. He used to calmly collect stones and fashion concrete discs before visitors arrived for the daily zoo visits. The chimp would then hurl the rocks across a moat toward onlookers.

Scientists were baffled that the chimp's stone throwing at Zoo visitors seemed to be 'premeditated'. They decided to stake out the enclosure to get a better idea of the chimp's behavior. That’s when they discovered that, on five consecutive days, before the zoo opened, the chimpanzee gathered stones from the water and placed them in caches.

The chimpanzee was observed to gently knock on the concrete rocks, from time to time delivering harder blows to break off the detached surface section in discoidal pieces. These manufactured ‘missiles’ were often transported to the caches at the shoreline. - Later on each of these days, these stones were used as ammunition.

Santino was without exception calm when gathering or manufacturing his ammunition, in contrast to the typically aroused state during displays.

The conclusion was that when wild chimps collect stones or go out to war, they plan this in advance, which means that they can plan much of their everyday behavior.

Ahmadiejad planned the same, but seems to have changed his plans. - Iran’s IRNA news reported Saturday that Ahmadinejad has backed down from plans to throw a rock at Israel and decided not to tour or monkey around at the Israeli border.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Mystery of the Stuxnet Worm

As my husband will tell you, I am not a computer expert by any means. I know how to use Microsoft Office and E-mail and maybe a few more applications. That’s it.

I even learned the hard way that computers get infected with all kinds of different bugs, such as viruses and worms.

A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer. The term "virus" is sometimes used as a catch-all phrase to include all types of malware, like spyware programs that do not have the ability to reproduce.

A true virus can spread from one computer to another; when it is sent over a network or the Internet, or carried it on a removable USB drive. Some viruses can also reproduce themselves.

I am told that viruses are sometimes also confused with worms and Trojan horses, which are technically different. A worm can exploit security vulnerabilities to spread itself automatically to other computers through networks, while a Trojan horse is a program that appears harmless but hides malicious functions. Worms and Trojan horses, like viruses, may harm a computer system's data or performance.

Now we hear that a powerful virus has shut down Iran's nuclear facility. It’s a curious thing. Iran confirmed last Sunday that its nuclear program has been affected by a mysterious computer virus. The virus is called Stuxnet worm. Here is where I get confused. Is it now a virus or a worm or are they both the same in the computer world?

They say that this new Stuxnet worm has been popping up in industrial plants and personal computers worldwide, and is now posing a looming threat over Iran, where more than 60 percent of the computers infected with the virus are located.

According to Iran’s state-run Mehr news agency, the IP addresses of 30,000 or more computer systems have been infected by the worm. If indeed that many computers in Iran have been infected, the worm may one day simultaneously shut down all the factories in Iran, including water plants, power plants, bakeries, refineries etc. - To get that damage the virus works by specifically attacking a piece of Siemens software running on Windows computers in industrial operations ranging from electric grids and traffic lights to factories and power plants. German experts claim to have uncovered evidence that Iran didn't even bother licensing the Siemens software that the worm/virus hijacked. So they can't call Siemens to complain!

Since Iran has suffered most of the infections, questions have been raised about whether the virus is connected to western governments’ top secret sabotage campaign against Tehran’s nuclear program. Some experts believe that virus, first discovered in June, was developed by high-level government programmers (possibly from the US, Israel, or Germany), and is directed toward a specific target, most likely Iran’s Bushehr nuclear power plant. It is believed to have been around for over a year.

The mysterious country which produced this virus immobilized Iran’s nuclear plant without ever firing a shot. Wow, that’s really clever!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wake Up - Before Your Freedom Is Gone!

It seems that today’s world is taken hostage and ruled by godless people who are controlled by Satan. You became a victim without knowing, because these people have told you lies. Many of you have opened your doors wide and welcomed them into your society and its government. Many in the West are ignorant and blind to what is happening in the world today. You have opened your doors and invited the enemy into your houses, businesses and churches. Without knowing you are destroying everything your forefathers fought for, including the future of your children and grandchildren. They will rob you of the things you value. They will take your possessions and money. They will force your children to pray in mosques, and they will no longer have anything to say.

Well - you say – don’t Muslims worship the same G-d as the Jews and Christians?

The origin of Islam goes back to the spiritual ruler of Ur (Ge.12:1), the moon god and supreme deity of the entire Babylonian empire. Al-llah is Arabic for “the god”, corresponding to the Babylonian “Baal”. Muslims claim that Allah was the biblical G-D of the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles. – Was "Allah" really the biblical G-D or was he a pagan god in Arabia during pre- Islamic times? The Arabs worshipped 360 gods at the Kaabah in Mecca, with the Moon-god as the chief deity. Mecca was in fact built as a shrine for the moon god. Muhammad chose the moon god to be the only god, thus putting previous heathenism into a monotheistic form.

When compared with the Jewish and Christian scriptures, the teachings of Quran show that Allah is not the same G-D worshipped by Jews and Christians.

The Jewish Bible says in Deuteronomy 6:4-5: “Sh’ma, Yisra’el! Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad; and you are to love Adonai your G-D with all your heart, all your being and all your resources.“ In Leviticus 19:18: “Don’t take vengeance on or bear a grudge against any of your people; rather, love your neighbor as yourself: I am Adonai.”

Compare this with the Christian Bible. Mark 12:29-30 “Sh’ma Yisrael, Adonai,Eloheinu, Adonai Echad, and you are to love Adonai your G-D with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your understanding and with all your strength, this is the first commandment.” Mark 12:31 “And a second one is this. You are to love your neighbor as yourself.”

The G-D of the Jews and the Christians is the G-D of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He encourages freedom, love, forgiveness, prosperity and health.

In the Koran these verses are nowhere to be found. The Muslim god values the opposite.

The personalities of each god are evident in the cultures, civilizations and dispositions of the peoples that serve them. Muhammad's central message was submission; the central message of the Bible is love. These Gods have opposite personalities.

You can hear “Allahu akbar” shouted daily from the minaretts. Most translate it as “God is great.” The Arabic word for great is ”kabir.” Allahu akbar means: “God is greater.” Greater than who? Greater than the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? - Who said this before? “I will scale the heavens, I will raise my throne above G-d’s stars. I will sit on the Mount of Assembly far in the north. I will rise past the tops of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High.” (Isaiah 14:12) - You can draw your own conclusions as to who Allah is!

Islam divides the world into 2 domains:

1. Dar al Salaam (the house of peace) - all Muslims
2. Dar al Harb (the house of war) – all non-Muslims

Islam teaches that there cannot be peace until the house of peace rules, which means that all non-Muslims either become Muslims or are killed. The very word Islam means submission.

Islam has been a violent and military movement from its beginning. The current attitude of Arab and Islamic countries towards Jews dates back to the life of Mohammed, who conducted 74 military campaigns, 24 of them personally. He unified the Arab tribes with war and assassinated or exiled Jews, therefore setting precedent for the militant and anti-Jewish practices of Islam.

The reason Mohammed was so violently anti-Jewish was because he originally saw himself as a prophet to the Jews, Christians, and pagans of Arabia. In his early reign he instructed his followers to bow down and pray to Jerusalem! The Jews of Arabia rejected him as a Hebrew prophet and he was almost killed in battle with them. He then changed the direction of prayer to Mecca.

In Syria Moslem fathers make their son's swear, "I will kill a Jew before I die." In 1947 Arab mobs in Aleppo devastated the 2,500-year-old Jewish community. Many Jews were killed and thousands of Jews illegally fled Syria to go to Israel. Today there are less than 150 Jews left.

Mohammed's intention was the unification of the Arab tribes and their international expansion. State and religion are not seen as separate entities, nor can an individual dissent from the Quran.

Islam has never been just a religion in the traditional sense - Islam is seen as a political organization, which has no boundaries. This was the intent of Mohammed in the establishment of the Umma, the community or brotherhood. Western culture perceives this to be their statement of equality for mankind, but it must be remembered; if you are not Moslem you are not equal.

Professor Moshe Sharon of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem writes: “Islam was born with the idea that it should rule the world ... Judaism speaks about national salvation – namely that at the end of the story, when the world becomes a better place, Israel will be in its own land, ruled by its own king and serving G-d. Christianity speaks about the idea that every single person in the world can be saved from his sins, while Islam speaks about ruling the world ... quoting a verse in English ... 'Allah sent Mohammed with the true religion so that it should rule over all the religions.' The idea, then, is not that the whole world would become a Muslim world at this time, but that the whole world would be subdued under the rule of Islam ... Wherever you have Islam, you will have war. It grows out of the attitude of Islamic civilization. “

In Islamic societies where Jews and Christians are allowed to exist they do not have the same rights as a Moslem, and they are required to pay a special tax.

The West needs to understand that there are no moderate Muslims. As mentioned above, the ultimate goal of Islam is to establish a global Islamic state over the entire world, on the rubble of every civilization, every constitution and every government, as crazy as this may sound. Their plan is to destroy the U.S. and Western civilization from within "so that it is eliminated and Allah's religion is made victorious over all other religions." (Mosab Yousef)

"This is not a doctrine of some freak Muslim," Yousef observed. "It's the doctrine, the requirement, of the god of Islam himself and his prophet, whom they praise every day."

There is no freedom of religion in Islam, but the defenders of the proposed Ground Zero mosque cite American Muslims' First Amendment freedoms to practice their religion.

Yousef makes a distinction between Islam and other religions, arguing Islam is a subversive system that threatens America's very existence. – Your freedom will be gone.

Wake up before it is too late.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Wolf Is Showing His Teeth

The Holocaust happened less than a century ago; - the most awful act of genocide against G-D's own people - yet in spite of all the calls and declarations resolving that such a thing should never be allowed to happen again – an other genocide is being prepared for the Jews.

Israel today stands totally alone, surrounded by nations of whom none would shed a tear if she were to vanish as a nation and as a people. The situation inside and around Israel is alarming.

Turkey - after receiving military assistance from Israel for years, shared all these military secrets with Syria and Iran, the worst enemies of the Jewish state.

Egypt itself may yet trump Turkey with a more pro-Islamic president succeeding the ailing Hosni Mubarak - says former IAEA chief inspector Mohammed Al-Baradei, who already has close contact with the Muslim brotherhood.

America's planned troop withdrawal from Iraq will probably leave Iran the big winner; Tehran extending its control over the state liberated from Saddam Hussein by using Iraq's already willing Shi'ite Muslims.

Hamas in the south of Israel and Hezbollah in the north are merely puppet groups of Iran. Hezbollah now boast that they have over 50,000 missiles, and many of them are long-range which can, and will, hit every part of Israel.

Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria and possibly soon also Egypt, all arrayed - Iran with nuclear weapons; Syria with VX Gas-tipped Scud missiles and many, many other missiles and weapons of mass destruction - against little Israel. Bashar Assad of Syria has made the statement many times over the past few months that war is the only thing Israel understands, and that Syria is now ready with tens of thousands of Missiles tipped with chemical warheads.

While all these Islamic nations are trying to tie the knot around Israel's neck - the world at large - is today more critical of Israel as towards the Jews in the days of Hitler. And as if this is not enough, the western nations lack strong and courageous leadership to stand up against this brutal threat, much as it was in the days of Hitler, when a foolish and weak British prime minister tried to appease this monster by sweet talk and diplomacy. That’s what brought the world to the Second World War and it may bring it to a third one as well.

Some of you may not know that a very large naval force has come together in the Persian Gulf, surrounding Iran. The USS Carrier Harry Truman, with over 6,000 Marines aboard, pulled into the area loaded for bear. I have been told that the USS Truman doesn't go anywhere without being protected by at least two nuclear subs. Israel and the US have grouped bombers and fighter jets in many countries in the Middle East, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan and others. During the past weeks USS warship went through the Suez Cannel, as have Israel subs all capable of launching a nuclear attack. What is not known is how many, - Russian subs are in that area also. We do know that they have been seen docking along the Syrian coast with aircraft carriers also unloading military gear for Hezbollah and the Lebanese Army.

Lat week’s announcement in Moscow and Tehran on Aug. 11 that Russia is set to activate Iran's first nuclear power reactor by loading the fuel on Aug. 21 is certainly speeding things up. Israel is also worried by the news that Russia stationed S-300 anti-missile batteries in Abkhazia on the Black Sea because it ties in with the imminent activation of the Bushehr reactor. It is taken as a signal that Israel's air route to Iran is hereby closed and Moscow will do its utmost to thwart an Israeli strike against Iran's nuclear facilities. Once Russia has loaded the fuel into the power reactor, an attack risks spreading radiation in the air and perhaps into the water of the Persian Gulf.

If Iran goes to the nuclear option, Israel will have no choice but to take out Syria, Hezbollah (now all of Lebanon) and the Hamas in Gaza, and also Egypt if it tries a sneak attack, in short order or face terrible civilian causalities. With America and Russia involved, it will bring us into a global war.

I am not writing this to scare you, but to warn you and prepare you. It is not a matter of if, but of when the war breaks out, and I believe it is close. You can read about the coming war or series of wars in Ezekiel 38-39, especially if you are interested to find out how it all ends.

I don’t need to shout “wolf, “wolf” - because you can already see him showing his ugly teeth!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

By The Rivers Of Babylon

The song, “Rivers of Babylon”, was popular when I was younger . It was performed in the 1970s by the disco group Boney M. The band was hugely popular in Europe and Israel some 35 years ago. I still remember the melody.

The song's lyrics were taken from Psalm 137, including some words from Psalm 19:14.

By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down;
ye-eah we wept, when we remembered Zion.
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down;
ye-eah we wept, when we remembered Zion.

When the wicked
Carried us away in captivity
Require from us a song -
Now how shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?

When the wicked
Carried us away in captivity
Requiring of us a song -
Now how shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?

Let the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts
be acceptable in Thy sight here tonight
Let the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts
be acceptable in Thy sight here tonight

By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down;
ye-eah we wept, when we remembered Zion.
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down
ye-eah we wept, when we remembered Zion.

By the rivers of Babylon (the waters of Babylon)
there we sat down (You got to sing a song)
ye-eah we wept, (Sing a song of love)
when we remember Zion. (Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)

By the rivers of Babylon (by the rivers of Babylon)
there we sat down (You hear the people cry)
ye-eah we wept, (They need their God)
when we remember Zion. (Ooh, got the power)

By the rivers of Babylon, (oh yeah yeah)
where we sat down (yeah yeah)
Ye-eah we wept.........

Well, this week the group performed at Ramallah, but the local music festival prevented it from performing one of its biggest hits - because it mentioned the Jewish people's yearning for the Land of Zion.

According to the news, lead singer Maizie Williams said Palestinian Authority concert organizers told her not to sing "Rivers of Babylon." The organizers said they asked for the song to be skipped, because they found it "inappropriate”.

Muslim and Arab culture in general, tend to vehemently deny the connection between the People of Israel and the Land of Israel to the world and to themselves as well.

Yet the Bible – the book that Western civilization is built around –contains thousands of verses that establish the connection without a possible doubt. - The Jews' yearning for Israel and the Divine commandment of settling in Israel is among the most central themes of the Holy Book, if not the most central one. Repeatedly in the Bible, G-d exhorts the Jews to obey his commandments or suffer banishment from the Holy Land.

"I don't know if it is a political thing or what, but they asked us not to do it and we were a bit disappointed that we could not do it because we know that everybody loves this song no matter what," Williams said. "I believe you should entertain wherever you are asked to entertain, whether it is Israel, whether it is Palestine, whether it is Lebanon, where ever it is, we go," she added.

Don’t you love this song? I do.


With love - Lilo

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Flotilla Choir


There comes a time
When we need to make a show
For the world, the Web and CNN

There's no people dying,
so the best that we can do
Is create the greatest bluff of all

We must go on pretending day by day
That in Gaza, there's crisis, hunger and plague
Coz the billion bucks in aid won't buy their basic needs
Like some cheese and missiles for the kids

We'll make the world
Abandon reason

We'll make them all believe that the Hamas
Is Momma Theresa

We are peaceful travelers
With guns and our own knives

The truth will never find its way to your TV

Ooooh, we'll stab them at heart
They are soldiers, no one cares
We are small, and we took some pictures with doves

As Allah showed us, for facts there's no demand
So we will always gain the upper hand

We'll make the world
Abandon reason

We'll make them all believe that the Hamas
Is Momma Theresa

We are peaceful travelers
we're waving our own knives

The truth will never find its way to your TV

If Islam and terror brighten up your mood
But you worry that it may not look so good
Well well well well don't you realize

You just gotta call yourself
An activist for peace and human aid

We'll make the world
Abandon reason

We'll make them all believe that the Hamas
Is Momma Theresa

We are peaceful travelers
We're waving our own knives

The truth will never find its way to your TV

We con the world
We con the people

We'll make them all believe the IDF is Jack the Ripper

We are peaceful travelers
We're waving our own knives

The truth will never find its way to your TV

We con the world (….: we con the world...)
We con the people (….: we con the people...)

We'll make them all believe the IDF is Jack the Ripper

We are peaceful travelers
We're waving our own knives

The truth will never find its way to your TV
The truth will never find its way to your TV

Listen to the song:

from http://www.latma.co.il/

Saturday, June 5, 2010

What Happened With Turkey?

The Jerusalem post reported that the Israeli Navy boarded and took control of “Rachel Corrie” off the Gaza coast and forced the ship to dock in Ashdod. Last week, a mob of terrorists on Turkish ships, headed for Gaza, attacked Israeli soldiers which led to fire exchange and casualties.

What happened with Turkey? Over the last few years Turkey’s policy has changed. Today’s government has its focus on Islam and as a result, Turkey has turned away from the West. Turkey today is trying to lead the Islamic world and rebuild the Ottoman Empire. It has now become an enemy of Israel. It embraces the leaders of Iran and Hamas, all of whom called for Israel’s destruction.

Turkey has a long history. In a short version; the Persian Empire occupied the area in the 6th century B.C., giving way to the Roman Empire, then later the Byzantine Empire. In the early 13th century, the Ottoman Turks first appeared, and gradually spread through the Near East and Balkans, capturing Constantinople in 1453 and storming the gates of Vienna two centuries later. At its height, the Ottoman Empire stretched from the Persian Gulf to western Algeria. Lasting for 600 years, the Ottoman Empire was not only one of the most powerful empires in the history of the Mediterranean region, but it generated a great cultural outpouring of Islamic art, architecture, and literature.

After the reign of Sultan Süleyman I the Magnificent (1494–1566), the Ottoman Empire began to decline politically, administratively, and economically.

Over the last few years, diplomatic dialogue between Turkey and Israel has become strained, particularly following the 2008-2009 Israel-Gaza Conflict. And last week Turkey provoked Israel into action with its so-called “Peace Flotilla”, knowing full well that the world would blame Israel for any casualties.

The Rabbinical Council of Judea and Samaria issued a statement Thursday in which it said that the incident in which Israel intercepted a flotilla seemed like the Biblical description of the beginning of the Gog and Magog process.

What does the Bible say about Gog and Magog? The book of Ezekiel describes, in chapters 38 and 39, a vision of a war where the world is united against Israel that will precede the final redemption of Israel and the world.

The study of Gog and Magog has long been a challenge to Bible scholars and historians alike. Magog is described in Genesis 10:2 and 1 Chronicles 1:5 as a grandson of Noah.

Prophet Ezekiel claims Magog's descendants are from the far north, and will someday attack Israel. Throughout history we find Gog and Magog identified with many place names, as well as numerous tribes and people groups; some firmly leaving their mark on history, including many present-day cultures. Perhaps the most known of Magog's descendants (sometimes referred to as Magogians) are the Scythians. Scythian culture extended more than 2,000 miles east from the Ukraine to Mongolia. These peoples would later form tribes and ethnic groups we would come to know as familiar names in history: Huns, Turks, Tartars, Mongols and others.

There is today a growing interest in the Ezekiel prophecies and whether they could play out in our lifetime.

We’ve never seen a convergence of geopolitical and spiritual events so consistent with Ezekiel 38-39 in history like we are seeing today. I believe the rabbis are right - we are living in the days of Ezekiel’s prophecies - and it is possible that we could see these events unfold soon.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fancy Restaurants And Olympic-Size Pools

Fancy restaurants and Olympic-size pools: What the media won’t report about Gaza

Special to the National Post May 25, 2010

By Tom Gross

In recent days, the international media, particularly in Europe and

the Mideast, has been full of stories about “activist boats sailing to

Gaza carrying desperately-needed humanitarian aid and building


The BBC World Service even led its world news broadcasts with this

story at one point over the weekend. (The BBC yesterday boasted that

its global news audience has now risen to 220 million persons a week,

making it by far the biggest news broadcaster in the world.)

Indeed the BBC and other prominent Western media regularly lead their

viewers and readers astray with accounts of a non-existent “mass

humanitarian catastrophe” in Gaza.

What they won’t tell you about are the fancy new restaurants and

swimming pools of Gaza, or about the wind surfing competitions on Gaza

beaches, or the Strip’s crowded shops and markets. Many Palestinians

in the West Bank and Gaza live a middle class (and in some cases an

upper class) lifestyle that western journalists refuse to report on

because it doesn’t fit with the simplistic story they were sent to


Here, courtesy of the Palestinian Ma’an news agency, is a report on

Gaza’s new Olympic-sized swimming pool . (Most Israeli towns don’t

have Olympic-size swimming pools. One wonders how an area that claims

to be starved of water and building materials and depends on

humanitarian aid builds an Olympic size swimming pool and creates a

luxury lifestyle for some while others are forced to live in abject

poverty as political pawn refugees?)

If you pop into the Roots Club in Gaza, according to the Lonely Planet

guidebook, you can “dine on steak au poivre and chicken cordon bleu”.

The restaurant’s website in Arabic gives a window into middle class

dining and the lifestyle of Hamas officials in Gaza. And here it is in

English, for all the journalists, UN types and NGO staff who regularly

frequent this and other nice Gaza restaurants (but don’t tell their

readers about them).

And here is a promotional video of the club restaurant. In case anyone

doubts the authenticity of this video, I just called the club in Gaza

City and had a nice chat with the manager who proudly confirmed

business is booming and many Palestinians and international guests are

dining there.

In a piece for The Wall Street Journal last year, I documented the

“after effects” of a previous “emergency Gaza boat flotilla,” when the

arrivals were seen afterwards purchasing souvenirs in well-stocked

shops. (You can also scroll down here for more pictures of Gaza’s

“impoverished” shops.)

But the mainstream liberal international media won’t report on any of

this. Playing the manipulative game of the BBC is easy: if we had

their vast taxpayer funded resources, we too could produce reports

about parts of London, Manchester and Glasgow and make it look as

though there is a humanitarian catastrophe throughout the UK. We could

produce the same effect by selectively filming seedy parts of Paris

and Rome and New York and Los Angeles too.

Of course there is poverty in Gaza. There is poverty in parts of

Israel too. (When was the last time a foreign journalist based in

Israel left the pampered lounge bars and restaurants of the King David

and American Colony hotels in Jerusalem and went to check out the

slum-like areas of southern Tel Aviv? Or the hard-hit Negev towns of

Netivot or Rahat?)

But the way that many prominent Western news media are deliberately

misleading global audiences and systematically creating the false

impression that people are somehow starving in Gaza, and that it is

all Israel’s fault, can only serve to increase hatred for the Jewish

state ­ which one suspects was the goal of many of the editors and

reporters involved in the first place.

Tom Gross is a former Middle East correspondent for the London Sunday

Telegraph and the New York Daily News.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Obama Advisor Calls Jerusalem Al-Kuds

Oh my goodness, just when I thought I had heard it all, it gets worse.

I read in the Israel National News, that John Brennan, Obama's Chief Adviser on Counterterrorism for Homeland Security, was speaking to a Muslim audience at New York University in February, at a forum co-hosted by the White House and the Islamic Center at New York University." Brennan first told a story in Arabic, evoking laughter and concluding with, “Don’t tell the folks who don’t speak Arabic what I said.” – That’s the same thing Yasser Arafat used to do, tell Americans in English something completely different than his own people in Arabic.

John Brennan continued then, actually calling the city of Jerusalem by the name Muslims use to refer to it - the Arabic name "Al-Quds." - Really? Has that guy ever read the Bible?

Jerusalem is mentioned many hundreds of times in the Jewish Bible, while Jerusalem isn't mentioned in Islam's "Koran" at all. How ignorant is this guy who is advising the Office of Homeland Security? Are you feeling safe when this office secures your homeland?

The history of Jerusalem only goes back to the 4th millennium BCE, making it one of the oldest cities in the world. Jerusalem is the holiest city in Judaism and has been the spiritual center of the Jewish people since c. 1000 BCE, when David, the King of Israel, first established it as the capital of the united Kingdom of Israel, and his son Solomon commissioned the building of the First Temple in that city.

“These comments by John Brennan are as outrageous as they are deeply troubling,” ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “No one refers to Jerusalem in the English language as Al-Quds, unless they have a specific political, anti-Israel agenda - in this case, pandering to Israel’s enemies, who will draw comfort from the use of the term Al-Quds by a senior U.S. government official.”

But wait, it gets even better. John Brennan also praised Saudi Arabian religious tolerance, when everyone knows that religious freedom in that country is virtually non-existent. The Saudi Government does not provide legal recognition or protection for freedom of religion, and it is severely restricted in practice. Moreover, any preaching and public practice of non-Muslim religions is prohibited.

Who hired this guy to fill that position in the government?

Listen for yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wglrLBqYxQ

Friday, May 21, 2010

Change Is Coming


The Middle East has always had its conflicts and many wars have broken out in that region. Why should another one change the world? While the situation in the Middle East is generally unstable, it could move the world into a disaster zone this summer or fall.

Whenever Israel (the "epicenter") is involved, we should pay attention. We must "understand the times" from a biblical perspective.

Dark storm clouds are on the horizon in the Middle East.

A legion of nations is scheming to wipe out Israel. These nations include Iran, Syria, Russia, and the Hezbollah which operates in Lebanon. The Iranians are working with Syria and Hezbollah and are planning to stop Israel's expected pre-emptive move against Iran.

Many sources think that the chaos will begin in a few weeks to a few months. It is all based on the fact that Iran is now set to go with her nukes and most of them are pointed at Israel.

Obama, for the first time since taking office 14 months ago, is sending military reinforcements to the Persian Gulf.

A few weeks ago a Soviet sub was seen docked in Beirut, Lebanon, flying the Iranian flag. Workers on the sub seemed to be wearing masks, suggesting that they were unloading chemical weapons of mass destruction.

Hezbollah’s offensive plan includes chemically armed SCUD missiles with a 450 km range, preemptive strikes on Israeli air fields, and a wave of tunnel attacks that cross from Lebanon into Israel. There are some 60,000 rockets and missiles hiding in houses, orchards, and miscellaneous buildings in Lebanon. Some of these are advanced scuds which have the capability to hit every city in Israel. The intention is to rein terror on Israel with maximum damage. – My husband had a dream a while ago, in which he saw the sky blackened from missiles coming from Lebanon towards Tel Aviv.

Israel has a superior air-force, and Israel's jets and airstrips are therefore a target of the enemy. Hezbollah and other participants in this forthcoming battle want to make it impossible for Israel to strike anyone by air. They think, chemical weapons of mass destruction and thousands of scud missiles should neutralize Israel's fighter jets.

In the meantime Israel has been giving out gas masks -- a procedure that has become all too frequent --, and the IDF is preparing for mass evacuations from high-risk zones - such as Tel Aviv, in case of Hezbollah missile strike.

The enemy is stocking up on young people who will joyfully place themselves in positions where they can self-detonate with maximum damage. They will likely use the tunnels as well. Don’t forget they consider themselves "martyrs." They want to die for Allah. According to Islam they will reach their paradise and meet 72 virgins.

This kind of an attack will force Israel to strike back with ferocity. If chemical weapons are dumped on her, she will have to use her own weapons of mass destruction. We see the makings of a disaster in the Middle East on the horizon, and the fall-out will be felt around the world.

Jews won’t be safe anywhere. A friend of Israel may not be either. Don't expect any help or comfort from the White House or State Department. Israel is their sacrificial lamb.

Israel will be on her own -- except for G-D. - This is good because He won't let her down. The Almighty has a covenant with Israel that is repeated throughout the Bible. A prominent passage is Genesis 17:6-8. HaShem is not just a covenant maker -- He is a covenant keeper!

Meanwhile many here in the West are still asleep. At best they give a gigantic yawn because the issues are far away from home. People are struggling with their own problems and feel they cannot take on more catastrophes. So they watch a movie, go to the mall and play golf on the weekend, - hoping that nothing “rocks their boat”! - They don’t want to come out from under their denial blanket.

But the coming Middle East war will shake up the world.

The biggest weapon being used by Satan is ignorance. Most people have not a clue as to the historical issues surrounding Middle East conflicts. Most of them do not know that the term "Palestinian" was never used before the mid-1960s when Yasser Arafat coined the term.

Yes, - I know - , Lilo wrote another unpleasant blog. But I feel I have to warn you about what is about to happen.
The change that is coming is not what Obama promised during his campaign, it is the one G-D promised in the Bible for the end-times._

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Choice Is Yours

Last week PA negotiator Saeb Erekat criticized Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for mentioning the Jewish people's historic tie to Jerusalem as described in the Bible. He found Bibi’s biblical reference “distasteful” and accused the prime minister of “using religion” to “incite hatred and fear”.

That is exactly the problem with the whole world today. They find what G-D said in the Bible “distasteful”.

Netanyahu simply said that the Bible refers to Jerusalem and Zion 850 times.

The Almighty chose a country and a people for His own, to set an example for the rest of the world. He also clearly explained His “road-map” for Israel from the start, even in the first book of the Bible. – You see - the course is fixed - is happening and is about to happen. G-D's Prophetic Word is moving upon us and can’t be stopped! Actually, we have been out of time…for a long time, for about the last 2000 years.

Netanyahu - at first - did not say how many times Jerusalem is mentioned in the writings of other faiths, but after he was challenged by an Israeli Arab MK, he said that Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Koran at all.

G-D’s roadmap for Israel is right on time and its course is fixed - as it was for Israel in the days of the prophets. When something is so clearly and repeatedly declared in the scriptures, we need to wake up and prepare for what is coming.

The greatest miracle anyone has ever witnessed was the re-gathering of Israel after 2000 years amongst the nations of the world. This miracle also set the stage for G-D's end-time prophecies to be fulfilled. – Have you noticed that all prophecies are always related to what happens in Israel?

Sometimes it’s not so easy to read the signs. Perhaps the reading part is not so hard, but accepting a life-altering radical shift -- that is the difficulty. How many Jews in Europe in the 1930’s saw the signs, heard the reports, but didn’t leave because they just could not get their minds around what was taking place?

Today Europe is openly anti-Israel. Seemingly overnight, the American administration has caught up with the spirit over Europe.

It’s that simple. If we are not lining up with God’s heart and mind on this very central and defining issue, we are at odds with Him. We either submit our life to the G-D of Israel, the creator of heaven and earth, or we are on a collision course with him. - How can we know his will? It’s written in the Bible. All we have to do is – read it!

Do you see what is happening around the world? - Islam is running rampant in Europe. The President of the United States has Islamic roots along with a trail of radical leftwing associations and activities going back decades.

If one is not for Israel as G-D is, where does that leave us with God? If we are 95% okay with what G-D says and thinks, where does that leave us with God? Is there any such thing as a partial surrender? Can we accept His Word in part? - There are too many people who think they can simply pick and choose what they like, and forget about the other part. – Yet, all throughout the Bible, G-D always demanded total surrender.

The absence of Israel in the heart of people lies at the root of the presence of Islam in the nations. Islam goes where Israel is rejected. Like it or not, the rejection of Israel is the acceptance of Islam.

The US and the nations of the EU seek to force Israel into an agreement with an entity that does not accept its right to exist and is actively seeking Israel’s destruction. Consequently, the US and the nations in the EU find themselves inhabited and led by the very same spirit they have tried to force upon Israel, - a blinding, and demonic darkness.

While the nations talk of sanctions, Iran continues to declare the destruction of Israel and increase its nuclear program. And while the United States refused to approve any major Israeli weapons requests, it approved more than $10 billion worth of arms sales to Arab League states, including Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. As the White House continues to pressure Israel to give up its traditional lands of Judea and Samaria and to make East Jerusalem the national capital to the Palestinian Authority, Russia and North Korea are arming Iran and its puppet state Syria with weapons of mass destruction. And so, Russia is helping the prophetic warnings of coming destruction along. – Weapons are never sold for a peaceful purpose!

There are many who do not believe the (Zechariah 12:3) prophecy that all who burden themselves with the battle for the control of Jerusalem, will "hurt themselves”. Just look at America--on the brink of financial ruin due to politicians spending money they don't have; Islamic terrorists attacking from within; natural and manmade disasters cost trillions. Yet, America's leadership continues to race headstrong into the prophetic warnings of destruction.

We must simply make a choice. Are we standing with Israel and believing what G-D said, or are we joining the unbelieving world opposing the will of Almighty? – There is no right or left, there is only right or wrong! There is either truth or deception.

“If it seems bad to you to serve Adonai, then choose today whom you are going to serve!....As for me and my household, we will serve Adonai.” (Y’hoshua 24:15)

Shalom – Lilo

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Jihad at Times Sqare

We’ve all heard it, - Faisal Shahzad, a naturalized U.S. citizen, who had recently returned from a five-month trip to his native Pakistan, was arrested at a New York airport on charges that he drove a bomb-laden SUV meant to cause a fireball in Times Square, federal authorities said.

Shahzad was on board a Dubai-bound flight at Kennedy Airport when FBI agents and New York Police Department detectives took him into custody late Monday, law enforcement officials said. The airport in Dubai is the Middle East's busiest and a major transit point for passengers traveling between the West and much of Asia, particularly India and Pakistan.

The SUV was parked on Saturday night on a busy midtown Manhattan Street near the offices of Viacom Inc., which owns Comedy Central. The network recently aired an episode of the animated show "South Park" that the group Revolution Muslim had complained insulted the Prophet Muhammad by depicting him in a bear costume....

Whose prophet? – Oh no, - NOT another act of Jihad! Did you read that word in the news paper? Did you hear it on TV? - Not once, by anyone in the Obama administration, are the words "Muslim" or "Islam" connected with "terrorism".

The explosive device inside the had cheap-looking alarm clocks connected to a 16-ounce can filled with fireworks, which were apparently intended to detonate gas cans and set propane tanks afire in a chain reaction "to cause mayhem, to create casualties," police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said.

A metal rifle cabinet placed in the SUV's cargo area was packed with fertilizer, but NYPD bomb experts believe it was not a type volatile enough to explode like the ammonium nitrate grade fertilizer used in previous terrorist bombings. – Good, that he chose the wrong fertilizer!

Police said the SUV bomb could have produced "a significant fireball" and sprayed shrapnel with enough force to kill pedestrians and knock out windows.

A vendor alerted a police officer to the parked SUV, which was smoking. Times Square, clogged with tourists on a warm evening, was shut down for 10 hours. A bomb squad dismantled the explosive device, and no one was hurt.

"It's clear," he said, "that the intent behind this terrorist act was to kill Americans."

More than a dozen people with American citizenship or residency, like Shahzad, have been accused in the past two years of supporting or carrying out terrorism attempts on U.S. soil, cases that illustrate the threat of violent extremism from within the U.S.

Among them are Army Maj. Nidal Hasan, a U.S.-born Army psychiatrist of Palestinian descent, charged with fatally shooting 13 people last year at Fort Hood, Texas; Najibullah Zazi, a Denver-area airport shuttle driver who pleaded guilty in February in a plot to bomb New York subways; and a Pennsylvania woman who authorities say became radicalized online as "Jihad Jane" and plotted to kill a Swedish artist whose work offended Muslims.

After authorities pulled Shahzad off the plane, he admitted he was behind the crude Times Square car bomb, officials said. He also claimed to have been trained at a terror camp in Pakistan's lawless tribal region of Waziristan, according to court documents. That raised increased concern that the bombing was an international terror plot.

According to an official who spoke to The Associated Press Shahzad, the son of a former top Pakistani air force officer came to the United States in late 1998 on a student visa. He took classes at the now-defunct Southeastern University in Washington, D.C., and then enrolled at the University of Bridgeport, where he received a bachelor's degree in computer applications and information systems in 2000.

That’s how they come into this country. They study at our universities, and during their free time they train for Jihad.

The car bomb in Times Square was an attempted Islamic jihad attack. It wasn’t the work of a lonely extremist or a tea party member.
 How do we know? Because Faisal Shahzad attended a Jihad training camp in Pakistan. He just recently spent five months in that country, including some time in Peshawar, a center of Al-Qaeda and Taliban activity. A Pakistani Taliban group claimed responsibility for the attack -- a claim that American authorities immediately dismissed, but which came to the surface when Shahzad's Pakistani connections were revealed.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Worldwide Jihad in Russia

Two female suicide bombers killed at least 40 people on packed Moscow subway trains on Monday, stirring fears of a broader campaign in Russia's heartland by Islamists from the North Caucasus.

Witnesses described panic at two central Moscow stations after the blasts, with morning commuters falling over each other in dense smoke and dust as they tried to escape the worst attack on the Russian capital in six years. Sixty-four others were injured, many gravely, and officials said the death toll could rise. Russia's top security official said the bombs were filled with bolts and iron rods.

The chief of the FSB, the main successor to the Soviet-era KGB, said: "Body parts belonging to two female suicide bombers were found ... and according to initial data, these persons are linked to the North Caucasus."

"Everyone was screaming. There was a stampede at the doors. I saw one woman holding a child and pleading with people to let her through, but it was impossible."

"They are simply beasts," Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said of the bombers after laying a bouquet of red roses on the platform of one of the metro stations. - "We will find and destroy them all."

Surveillance camera footage posted on the Internet showed several motionless bodies lying on the floor or slumped against the wall in Lubyanka station lobby and emergency workers crouched over victims, trying to treat them.

The current death toll makes it the worst attack on Moscow since February 2004, when a suicide bombing killed at least 39 people and wounded more than 100 on a metro train.

Chechen rebels were blamed for that attack. Rebel leader Doku Umarov, fighting for an Islamic emirate embracing the whole region, vowed last month to take the war to Russian cities. - "Blood will no longer be limited to our (Caucasus) cities and towns. The war is coming to their cities," the Chechen rebel leader said in an interview on an Islamist website. The website is updated by Muslim rebels seeking to create their own state in the Chechnya region.

The Chechen rebellion began in the 1990s as a largely ethnic nationalist movement, fired by a sense of injustice over the 1940s transportation of Chechens to Central Asia, with enormous loss of life, by dictator Josef Stalin. Largely since the second war, Russian officials say, Islamic militants from outside Russia have joined the campaign, lending it a new intensity.

Chechen terrorists have been responsible for previous mass casualty attacks in Russia, including a 2002 attack on a Moscow theater and the 2004 Beslan school massacre, in which terrorists took more than 1,100 people – including over 770 schoolchildren – hostage, ultimately killing hundreds.

Though the majority of suicide bombers have been male, female suicide bombers have carried out a number of attacks since 1985. Some militant organizations have used women to carry out suicide bombings because they draw less suspicion than men and go through less rigorous security checks. For example: while a man can be checked to see if he's carrying an explosive belt by simply lifting his shirt, ordering a woman is much less acceptable, particularly in the Islamic world. Israeli security procedures practice is that a suspected woman is to be checked by a female soldier in a screened off area.

British spy satellites have intercepted terrorist communications from Pakistan and Yemen, talking about women suicide bombers getting explosives put inside breast implants.

The British Intel Service reported that several plastic surgeons, who were trained in some of London's best hospitals, have returned to their home countries to perform the surgeries. - Houston plastic surgeon Dr. Franklin Rose said the industry's technology makes the bombs possible and easy. - It's unknown how well full-body scanners would detect explosives inside implants.

The Quran explicitly talks about female virgins with large eyes as rewards for men. On the contrary there is not a single "women will get guys as a reward" verse. – I wonder if these female suicide-bombers are all Lesbians?

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Obama Is Poking His Finger Into The Eye

It looks like the Devil is busy poisoning the minds with blind hatred towards his enemies the Jews. He believes that if he can destroy the Jews, and the Nation of Israel, the Messiah won’t be able to arrive in Israel.

Last week America’s Muslim President, Barack Obama Hussein, intentionally humiliated Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu by ignoring customs and abstaining from any public appearance with him during Netanyahu's visit to the White House.

Normally - when a Head of State visits the US - he or she is greeted with honor, some-times even military honors. For example when one of the Arab Leaders comes to the White House, they are even met at the Airport by the President Himself. If it happens to be the King of Saudi Arabia, Obama even bows before him to show his submission to Islam. All these people are invited through the front door of the White House and brought to the Oval Office. And of course the visit is always covered by the media with full press coverage.

However, Obama did not allow any press coverage or photographs to be taken of his meeting with Netanyahu. The Israeli Prime Minister was brought in under the cover of night through a side door and quickly ushered into a side room where he had to wait for the “grand appearance” of the President, who took his time. Obama arrived with all his arrogance and distain showing, what has been reported as a vindictive attitude towards the Jewish Leader of Israel.

Oh my goodness, - I never thought I'd see the day that an American administration would denounce the Jewish state of Israel for rebuilding Jerusalem.

America’s Muslim president is directly responsible for the break-down of the peace process. It is no coincidence that as all this unfolded, Palestinian Arabs were rioting in Jerusalem and elsewhere, again shooting rockets out of Gaza.

And what seems to be the big problem? Apartments are being built in Jerusalem!

Jerusalem, the city of King David, has been the Jewish capital for over 4000 years. Conquering nations occupied Jerusalem over the time, but there has never been another State with Jerusalem as its capital. It has always been a Jewish town. Even when Jesus was there, he visited the town to worship at the Temple as a Jew. – The only one who was never there was Muhammad. In one of his dreams he “flew” on a horse to a far-away mosque. At the time of his dream there was no mosque in Jerusalem, so he couldn’t have flown there. – Jerusalem is never even mentioned in the Koran. – Muslims bow their heads towards Mecca, and their rear-end towards the Jewish Temple mount.

The world is putting Israel’s right to exist is on trial, trying to delegitimize the Jewish claim to their land. Under Obama, Jerusalem has now become occupied territory in the West Bank. Israel's enemies have found another battlefield -- the worldwide court of public opinion. It's an attempt to wipe Israel off the map, not with a nuclear bomb, but with slander and to paint a future world without Israel.

Obama no longer negotiates with Israel, he demands that Israel submit to the Islamic Arabs and give up their land in order to appease the Islamic Arabs. In short, what he is demanding is the final and total destruction of the Jewish State of Israel. But then, he already promised during his election campaign: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

Obama, you may poke your finger into the chest of the Israeli Prime Minister. What you are really doing, is poking your finger into G-D’s eye. The Almighty declares Jerusalem as his own city. You better pay attention to what G-D says to you! "Anyone who injures you injures the very pupil of my eye. But I will shake my hand over them, and they will be plundered by those who were formerly their slaves.” (Zech. 2:8-9) …It shall be in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. …” (Zechariah 12:9)

Rabbi Samson Rafael Hirsch and Professor Arnold B. Ehrlich believe that rather than referring to God’s eye, the “eye that has been touched” (Hebrew, aino) belongs to the one doing the touching (hanoge’ah).

Understood in this context, the one touching [harming] Israel damages his own eye so at the very least, he can no longer see clearly. His perception has diminished, physically, mentally and theologically. And if the damage is severe, he may have even blinded himself so he can no longer distinguish truth from non-truth.

Whichever way one interprets Zechariah 2:8—either touching the apple [pupil] of G-D’s eye or of one’s own eye—the bottom line is that G-D is well aware of the persecution the Jews have suffered throughout the ages. And He has vowed to recompense those who fostered harm upon them. For better or for worse, they are His covenant people.

Irrespective of what we see or think in today’s world, HaShem is at work in the Jewish homeland. Rest assured He will completely fulfill every promise He has made.

Yet, Obama doesn’t care. His Jihadist intent to destroy the United States from within and his hatred for the USA and even its flag is becoming well known.

However, one day he also will stand before the Almighty, when He will judge all nations according to how they treated his people, - the Jews.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hillary's Harsh Words for Israel

Last Friday, Hillary Clinton telephoned the Israeli Prime Minister and expressed frustration over Israel's announcement of new settlement construction, a move that deeply embarrassed visiting U.S. Vice President. Clinton warned Benjamin Netanyahu that his government sent a "deeply negative signal" by taking steps that undermined renewed Middle East “piece”- (often spelled “peace”-) talks. She insisted that Israel had undermined trust and confidence in the peace process ... Netanyahu really got an earful as State Hillary Clinton lashed out verbally at him on Shabbat. Such harsh language was never before directed at a friend and ally of the United States.

If you remember, - Netanyahu issued a 10-month building freeze in Judea and Samaria in November 2009, because of US pressure. This was supposed to reignite those piece talks.

In March, Defense Minister Ehud Barak approved the building of 112 homes in the Judean hareidi-religious community of Beitar Illit. Israel's Interior Ministry announced plans to develop 1,600 new residences in the large Ramat Shlomo hareidi-religious neighborhood, in northeast Jerusalem.

But Biden issued a strong statement against the Jerusalem construction. "I condemn the decision by the government of Israel to advance planning for new housing units in East Jerusalem,” Biden said. "The substance and timing of the announcement, particularly with the launching of proximity talks, is precisely the kind of step that undermines the trust we need right now and runs counter to the constructive discussions that I've had here in Israel.”

In a Friday interview with CNN, Clinton called Israel's building announcement "insulting" to the United States, and reaffirmed the US commitment to the "two-state solution." "I mean, it was just really a very unfortunate and difficult moment for everyone," said Clinton, "and I regret deeply that that occurred and made that known."

Following Clinton's phone call on Shabbat, Prime Minister Netanyahu called the leaders of Italy and Germany to discuss what had happened. He assured them that regulations would be put in place to prevent such an occurrence in the future.

U.S. envoy George Mitchell is expected to arrive in Israel on Tuesday, and will meet with the Prime Minister. However, PA chief negotiator Saeb Erekat said that the PA may not engage even in indirect negotiations with Israel unless the Jewish state reverses its decision to build in Ramat Shlomo.

Why does America think it can dictate how many houses should be built in Jerusalem? Is it one of their cities? The gradual and steady destruction of Native American culture is a shameful chapter in Americas’ history. Shouldn’t America return those occupied territories before they start telling other countries what to do? – That, by the way, is exactly the reason, why other countries dislike Americans; because they always try to tell everyone else what to do.

Yet U.S. Muslim President Barack Hussein Obama did not hold back in condemning the humiliation caused to Joe Biden with the Israeli announcement of 1,600 new housing units in East Jerusalem during what was supposed to be the vice president's friendly visit to Israel. Instead of accepting Netanyahu's partial apology and letting bygones be bygones, Obama issued a stern warning to the Israeli prime minister and is now demanding that he take "specific actions" to show he is "committed" to the U.S.-Israel relationship and to the piece process itself.

It looks like the prime minister has reached the moment of truth, where he must choose between his beliefs and political cooperation with the right on one hand, and his need for American support on the other.

It is a difficult dilemma. If he comes into conflict with the U.S. administration - hoping his friends in Congress and the Jewish-American community support him in the name of Washington's obligation to the "eternal capital of the Jewish people" - he could jeopardize Israel's security cooperation with the Americans against Iran. Netanyahu knows that the fuel and spare parts for Israel's air force, as well as the warning signals for missiles headed this way, all come from the United States. He also knows that Israel has no other allies with which to face the threat posed by the Islamic Republic.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu tried to calm down the political crisis with the United States and told the Cabinet Sunday morning “not to get carried away and to calm down” following the unprecedented public rebuke from top American officials.

When God gave us the land in Gen. 12:3, He really meant it. You see, God cannot lie and He says what he means and means what He says. When the White House pressured Sharon to disengage from Gaza, it resulted in over 9,000 Jews becoming refugees in their own country, - and to this day many of them are still homeless. Within a day or so of this New Orleans was destroyed, causing hundreds of thousands of Americans to become refugees in their own country, and rendering nearly a million homeless. Dozens of these correlated events have occurred every time the White House forced Israel to make concessions to the enemies of G-D and of Israel.

Now the US has sent its VP and Secretary of State to force Israel to split the country by making sure the "Palestinians" have a contiguous state and yet there is no other way to do that without cutting Israel in half.

In the news we hear of the coming big earthquake in California - but little is said of the New Madrid Fault that starts in Missouri and goes south to Mississippi. This could cut the US in half causing millions to be affected and many killed. Since G-D repays Israel’s enemies with the same medicine, this would certainly be a possibility considering what we have witnessed over the past few years. One thing is certain, God will always do what He says, Gen: 12:3. - America, your downfall is closer than you think.

Meanwhile, in Israel, the Government has now quietly started issuing the new gas masks, including the nerve gas shots. Local Israeli papers have issued warnings to everyone to stock their bomb shelters with the necessary supplies and to be sure they can be sealed properly.

There seems to be not much difference in the behavior of the average Israeli. They have been there before and know they will survive and be able to fight the enemy when the time comes. On the other hand, they also know that something will happen very soon. If they are worried, they just try not to show it.

Israel will not be destroyed, and the Messiah will plant His Feet on the Mount of Olives and when He does the whole world will know all about it. We have to understand is that the Master of this World has set the Redemption of His Nation Israel into high gear with the resettlement of the Land of Israel in our time, the rebuilding of Jerusalem, the ingathering of the exiles, and reemergence of Israel as a world power during the last 62 years. All of this is to establish “Malchut” – the Kingship of G-d over the world.

For the Jew, Israel is and will be the safest place on earth, and many are beginning to wake up to that fact, as they start to leave Europe while the airlines are still operating.

G-d’s plan for Israel in particular and the world as a whole - as promised to the Prophets of Israel - will surely come to pass.