Saturday, February 5, 2011

Recapping this Week's Events

The Muslim Brotherhood organized an Islamic revolt in Egypt, forcing President Mubarak to resign.

The media portrayed it as a struggle for democracy and human rights disaster, leaving out much of what goes on behind the scenes. We should have learned the lesson how Islamic groups have already taken over in Iran, Lebanon and Gaza by democratic means.

Even though the Muslim Brotherhood was forbidden to operate in Egypt, it emerged, according to Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman as the most organized opposition movement.

The Egyptian president responded to calls from his US counterpart Barack Obama that he step down saying, "you don't understand the Egyptian culture and what would happen if I step down now." – Mubarak was a dictator who kept the radical Muslims under control. He also warned that the Muslim Brotherhood would take power in Egypt if he were to resign now. – This is exactly what happened today, on Saturday, February 5th.

The West has the mistaken tendency to underestimate the hostility of the Muslim Brotherhood. But President Obama seems to think they are the solution to the problem. "The White House appears to be leaving Hosni Mubarak, an ally for three decades and lynchpin of Mideast stability, twisting slowly in the wind," writes David Horowitz of the Freedom Center.

Wednesday, Feb. 2nd, President Barack Obama delivered an ultimatum to Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman and the army and security chiefs: Mubarak must be removed or else US aid to Egypt will be cut off.

The Muslim Brotherhood has always made Islamic world domination one of its ultimate goals. It also opposed Egypt's 30-year-old peace treaty with Israel. Muslim Brotherhood leaders have systematically called for “re-conquest” of “Islamic territories” from Andalusia (southern Spain) to Sicily and the Balkans.

Many Western analysts agree that the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas are one and the same. One leading Brotherhood cleric has said: "Kill Jews – to the very last one.” A Brotherhood takeover of Egypt would only strengthen Hamas in Gaza. Another Brotherhood leader told an Arab language newspaper Monday that Egyptians “should prepare for war against Israel."

The White House probably still doesn’t realize the extent of the catastrophe into which it has pushed the Middle East. None of us know what the final outcome will be in Egypt, Jordan Syria, Yemen, Tunisia, Lebanon and later Saudi Arabia. The only thing we know is that they all want to destroy Israel and kill the Jews. – It is a very old war that started with Isaac and Ishmael way back in the Bible and still rages on to this day.

Israel witnessed in horror how quickly the White House abandons its’ allies. Obama has once again shown his hand in protecting Islam at the expense of Israel's survival in every way he possibly can. He quickly turned on an old friend to the US in favor of the possibility of the Muslim Brotherhood getting into power in Egypt.

Netanyahu charged that Iran is looking forward to Egypt becoming "another Gaza, run by radical forces that oppose everything that the democratic world stands for." Now Israel must prepare for an Islamic terror state rising from Egypt's ashes, because a Muslim Brotherhood takeover could lead to the imposition of Shariah law and dramatic changes in Egypt’s relationship to its neighbors.

Will Iran use its influence on the Muslim Brotherhood to steer Egypt away from its peace treaty with Israel and into the camp of Muslim radicals? If so, this coming war has the very distinct possibility of nukes being used and dragging the rest of the world into war as well.

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